Data Policy

At Semantic Works, Inc. we take an uncompromising stance towards protecting the privacy of our users. We collect data in two forms – both anonymized – and do not claim to own it.

Data Ownership and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
All data we collect is in the Public Domain and we hold no rights to ownership of it. Furthermore, no data point is ever attributed to any one user in any unique way; IP addresses are not tracked (although they might be logged for a short duration in our web-servers as we process your request, but never retained); nor do we use cookies to identify you (hence, there is no consent form.)

Web Traffic Analytics
The first form of data we collect comes from your interaction with the SYNG website, the User Manual, and the Web Playground. This data helps us understand what parts of the SYNG web interface are effective for users and which websites led them to ours.

You can view this data on our Plausible dashboard at

Application Telemetry
The other form of data we collect is usage data – also known as telemetry – that comes from your interaction with the actual application. This includes the command-line interface, the VSCode extension, or the Web Playground.

Telemetry is collected in our ElasticSearch database and is available for public viewing at the following URL:

Telemetry includes the queries you issue using SYNG, but only in a redacted, normalized form that does not give away any source-code sensitive information. This normalization is done by your computer and before the payload hits the network so that there can be no leaks. Examples of such normal queries can be viewed at the dashboard linked to earlier.

Collection Strategy
Ideally, we would’ve chosen to adopt an opt-in strategy to collecting this data, but the reality today is that very few users would participate and we would be left with no data to inform our product decision-making. To that end, we’ve taken measures to make it clear for you (1) that this data is being collected, and (2) make it as simple as possible to opt out of the collection program.

Thank you for helping us make SYNG better for everyone.