Terms of Use

Thank you for choosing to use SYNG. This document outlines the agreement between You, the User, and Semantic Works, Inc., the providers of SYNG (the software.)

Semantic Works endeavors to provide the best user experience to You, but it cannot guarantee that (1) the software won’t produce false results, that (2) it is free of bugs, or (3) that it functions correctly in environments outside the ones stated to be supported.

Ethical Use
SYNG is closed-source software, and as such, Semantic Works legally expects You not to – in any way or form – (1) tamper with its binaries, or (2) reverse-engineer them, or (3) distribute modified versions of them, or (4) distribute software that directly embeds SYNG or its binaries.

Damage Waiver
Semantic Works tries very hard to craft software that benefits You, is easy to use, and is functionally correct, but mistakes can be made and it cannot be held liable to damages caused to Your devices, or Your data, including source code.

Data Collection
Usage data may be collected by Semantic Works as per the data collection policy. All data collected is in the Public Domain and Semantic Works claims no ownership to it. You hereby acknowledge having read and agreed to the terms of that policy.

Updates and Offline Use
You may download SYNG, its binaries or its Web Playground application, to your devices for offline use. Please be aware that SYNG is continuously updated and you are advised to use online versions where applicable, or keep your offline installations up to date, in order to receive the latest features and bugfixes.

Semantic Works is not responsible for issues present in older versions of the Software.

In case You are having trouble using SYNG, Semantic Works tries to provide as much support as it can to aid You, but it cannot be legally expected to do so in any specific form or time-frame.

Semantic Works is a registered corporation in the state of Delaware. Thank you for using SYNG and for your business.